junebug_13 Sep 26, 2010 15:30
bitchslapping will commence, superbitch, rant, bitchbitchbitch, try hitting them, expletive not deleted, ntm, june has good ideas, angst angst angst, i blame canada, lol mood theme, lol fail, ameera, no one ever had much nice to say, i just don't know, random, raaaage, june is hosting an emo party, obviously unimpressed with your shtik, i've been dying to use that mood, profanity makes talking fun, picspam, death is our companion, bleh, that shit came out of nowhere, gfac, i hate people sometimes, grr, because i can, yay for snark, this makes no sense, pretty pikshure
junebug_13 Dec 10, 2009 22:21
seb, seblena aww!, helena, try hitting them, christmas show, busy june is busy, christmas countdown, random, christmas